The sun has been out for two days in a row. Virtual School begins today. Parents who are working from home, hang in there. This is uncharted territory for us all.
Despite anxiety, grief, and other such discomforts, spring is still waking up. It is a new world. Let’s make it a good one.
Scraggly Hairless Tail lumbers across the straw. Nose rooting for rodents, mud on paw. 'Tis a shame to see symbolic tail reduced to twiggy rope. Parasite or accident perhaps? Down down the slope. With morsel, I hope.
New School Year's Resolutions All About Me: I will forgive myself. I will allow myself to feel like garbage and hide under the blankets until an adorable stuffed wolf (or otherwise) comes to cheer me up. I will let them cheer me up. All About Others: I will forgive those around me. (Even if, and particularly if, I feel that they're in the wrong. Everyone is hurting. Everyone.) I will listen. I will share. All About the World: I will take each day as it comes. Post Script: Remember to cut my nails on a regular basis. Remember to stretch after exercising and keep exercising. (NOT: I did it today! Now I don't have to for another ... month...) Remember that creativity helps even if I reeeaaallly don't want to pick up that pencil or walk allllllll the way over there to turn on the keyboard. What will you do? END TRANSMISSION
The swampy pit is now a veritable lake. The Earth's crust breached, giant rocks adorn the edges of the water. The only sign of life is the neon yellow vests operating CAT and surveying the work with poised grunt. Not a snapper to be seen. A golden mess of straw lines the muddy edge. I had almost forgotten what that lighting could look like what with our onslaught of gloomy days. The neon vests are almost done covering up their mess. My entertainment will come to an end. I suppose there is always the news... If I want a more dismal source of occupation. Would you rather be a snapping turtle with your mucky home unstuck? Or would you rather be governed by the squalid few who ignore their people gone amok?
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