Captain Mom's Log: Week 22: Day 150

New School Year's Resolutions

All About Me:

I will forgive myself. 

I will allow myself to feel like garbage and hide under the blankets until an adorable stuffed wolf (or otherwise) comes to cheer me up.

I will let them cheer me up.

All About Others:

I will forgive those around me. (Even if, and particularly if, I feel that they're in the wrong. Everyone is hurting. Everyone.)

I will listen.

I will share.

All About the World:

I will take each day as it comes.

Post Script:

Remember to cut my nails on a regular basis.
Remember to stretch after exercising and keep exercising. (NOT: I did it today! Now I don't have to for another ... month...) 
Remember that creativity helps even if I reeeaaallly don't want to pick up that pencil or walk allllllll the way over there to turn on the keyboard.

What will you do?



  1. I will do more of what makes me happy.... And I will work more diligently to discover what those things are. And not feel selfish for doing them.


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